Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 12:42:17 -0400


Subject: Georgetown discourse conference

(conference announcement updated 9/2/96)

The Georgetown Linguistics Society




October 11-13, 1996

Intercultural Center

Georgetown University

Washington, DC

Information on registration and how to contact GLS appears at the end

of this message.


Friday, October 11

11:00 Registration opens, Intercultural Center

12:45 - 1:00 Opening remarks

1:00 - 2:00 Shirley Brice Heath, plenary speaker

2:15 - 4:15

Patricia O'Connor, symposium organizer, Speaking for the Other

Yuling Pan, Power Recognition in Chinese Official Settings

Christina Kakava, Talking at Cross-Purposes: Speaking For and About

the Other in Greek Discourse

Patricia O'Connor, 'He Gonna Die': Self-Positioning in the Constructed

Dialogue of the Other


John T. Clark, "But is 'Pop that Coochie' a Valuable Idea or

Information?": How Elite Aspiring Rhetoric Insinuates the Center

Hiroko Furo, Agonism Versus Irenicism: Different Frames in American

and Japanese Political Discourse

Douglas J. Glick, At the Intersection of Language, Ethnicity and

Interpretation: Lessons from a Hebrew-Language Television Interview

Brian Kleiner, Pseudo-Argument in Talk about Race


Jeff Connor-Linton, What's in a Speech Act?: A Multi-Feature Functional

Analysis of Stylistic Variation

Andrea Tyler & Lucy Pickering, Examining Cross-Cultural

Miscommunication: A Case for a Multi-Dimensional Discourse Framework

Gus M. Habermann, The Discourse of Indoctrination: A Test of Language

Socialization Theories?

Margaret Luebs, Transcribing Discourse, Transcribing Ideology

4:30 - 6:30

Amy Sheldon, organizer, Managing Identities and Negotiating Relationships

R. Keith Sawyer, Gender Differences in Participant Frameworks and

Footing in Preschool Play Discourse

Deborah Schiffrin, Topic and Ideology in Argument

Amy Sheldon, The Complementary use of Verbal and Nonverbal

Resources in Children's Negotiation of Social Play


Clare MacMartin & Linda A. Wood, The Problematics of Respectability:

Co-Constructing a Marginalized Identity

Stephanie Lindemann, Didar Akar, Jill D. Dowdy, Ana Cristina

Ostermann, John Swales & Jens Turp, A Genre of Last Resort: Letters to

the TMJ Association

Susan Herring, Beyond "Free Speech" on the Internet

Shi-Xu, Common Sense and Ideologies


Katerie Gladdys, Artist, Object, Audience: Constructing Linguistic

Identity in a Formal Speech Situation

Randi A. Engle, The Collaborative Construction of Knowledge

Transmission Events: The Case of Instructional Explanations Between Peers

Boyd Davis & Jeutonne P. Brewer, The Individual Voice in Electronic Discourse

Melanie Nunemaker Moll & Agnes Bolonyai, Ways of Framing: The

Assignment of Thematic Roles in a Business Meeting

6:45 - 7:45 Livia Polanyi, plenary speaker

8:00 - 10:00 Reception, Intercultural Center Galleria

Saturday, October 12

9:00 - 10:00 Marcyliena Morgan, plenary speaker

10:15 - 12:15

Deborah Tannen, symposium organizer, The Scope of Discourse

Marianne Mithun, The Discourse Shaping of Grammar

Wallace Chafe, What We Can Learn From Repeated Tellings of the Same


A. L. Becker, Wordbuilding and Textbuilding


Jeff Deby & Kathleen Wood, symposium organizers, The Lavender Mosaic:

Lesbian and Gay Identities and Ideologies

Jeff Deby, Coming-Out Stories as Opportunities for Negotiating Identity

Rudolf Gaudio, "Out in the Open" Without "Coming Out": Queer Narratives

from Nigerian Hausaland

Shari Kendall, Conflicting Ideologies in the News Coverage of Salt Lake

City's Ban on Gay and Lesbian Clubs in Public Schools

Kathleen Wood, The Contribution of Coherence in the Narrative

Construction of Identity in Lesbian Electronic Mail Coming Out Stories


Donna L. Lillian, The War Against Diversity: Homogenizing Canada

Through Discursive Manipulation

Robin Shoaps, Rush Limbaugh as Rhetor: The Use of Transposition in

Constructing and Accessing a Rhetoric of 'Common Sense'

Atsuko Honda, Institutional and Cultural Constraints on Conflict in

Japanese Television Discussions

Christina Wasson, "Your Candor would be Appreciated": Performing

Contradictory Identities in Business Meetings

12:15 - 2:15 Lunch

Livia Polanyi, workshop, Formal Methods in Discourse Analysis

(additional fee, see registration)

2:15 - 4:15

Anne Goodfellow, Language, Culture, and Identity: Social and Cultural

Aspects of Language Use in Two Kwak'wala-speaking Communities

Alice Chu, "'What do you want me to say--'Chinese'?": Negotiating Ethnic

Identities in a Chinese Restaurant

Adrienne Lo, She's not a peanut!: Contesting Identities in Asian-

American Discourse

Mary Bucholtz, Marking Black: The Construction of White Identities

through African American Vernacular English


Mary Shapiro, Encouraged and Discouraged Registers: Style-Shifting

Among Medics

Branca Telles Ribeiro, Listeners and Listening in Psychiatric


Anita Pomerantz, When the Supervising Physician Sees the Intern's

Patient: It's a Risky Business

Adrienne Chambon, Self/Other Interaction: Identity Transformation in

Therapeutic Conversation

2:15 - 6:30 (two-session symposium: 2:15-4:15 & 4:30-6:30)

Charlotte Linde, symposium organizer, Institutional Memory and Individual


Robin Kornman, Epic and the Formation of Regional and National

Identity: Tibet's Gesar Epic

Charlotte Linde, A Framework for the Study of Institutional Memory

Norma Mendoza-Denton & Charlotte Linde, Home Girls Remembered:

Institutional Memory and Gang Structure

Sigrid Mueller, The Institutional Construction of Individual Identity:

Women, Language, and Bureaucratic Documentation in Germany

Ida Obermann, Institutional Memory in an Alternative Education

Movement: Strategies of Textual Reproduction and Challenge

4:30 - 6:30

Anthony Berkley, Linguistic Awareness and Ideological Incorporation:

The Construction of "Errors" In Maya Language Revival

Donna Patrick, Language Choice, Social Boundaries and Identity in Arctic Quebec

Edward A. Miner, Representations of Literacy in the Ugandan Press

Alexander D. Hoyt, Croatian as an Indicator of Identity


Rita Simpson, Metapragmatic Discourse and the Ideology of Impolite

Pronouns in Thai

Karen L. Adams & Anne Winter, Group and Individual Identity in Gang Graffiti

Barbara G. Hoffman, Occult Power and Noun Phrases in Mande Languages

Jean Wong, A Sequential Place for Marking Incipient Repair Solution:

'Yeah' in Nonnative Speaker English Conversation

6:45 - 7:45 Susan Philips, plenary speaker

Sunday, October 13

9:00 - 10:00 William O'Barr, plenary speaker

10:15 - 12:15

Heidi Hamilton, symposium organizer, Discourse in Old Age

Anne Bower & Helen Black, Identity in Personal Narrative: Dialogue With God

Heidi Hamilton, "I have become the nurse and I don't like it very much":

Changing Identities Within the Aging Family

Toshiko Hamaguchi, "Maybe that's why I became so lazy": Construction of

Identities in a Life Story

Pam Saunders, "I would forget my head if it wasn't screwed on": An

Analysis of How Patients Save Face in Clinical Examinations

Vai Ramanathan, Reflexive Researching in Alzheimer Narrative Interactions


Nastia Snider, The Man is the Boss on the Dance Floor: Teasing in a

Country Dance Lesson

Iris E.W.M. Bogaers, Managing Gender Through Meta-talk

Susan Berk-Seligson, Conversational Support Work: Marker of Gender


Colleen Cotter, Text and Identity: Women's Place at the Fourth Estate


Akira Satoh, Direct Speech in Japanese Journalistic Discourse

Pekka Kuusisto, Ethnic Homogeneism in Newspapers

Stanton Wortham & Michael Locher, Voicing on the News: A Technique

for Analyzing Media Bias

12:15 - 2:15 Theme lunches (sign up at conference)

2:15 - 3:45

Susan F. Hirsch, Transforming Gender in Kenyan Islamic Courts: A Role

for Linguistic Ideologies

Kirstin M. Fredrickson, Intertextuality and the Construction of Ideology in Law

Susan Ehrlich, The Construction of "Innocence" in Sexual Assault Trials


John J. Staczek, Linguistic and Cultural Awareness and Identity:

Constructions of Self in the Writing of American University Students

Kathleen Ferrara, The Narrative (Re)Construction of "True Grit":

Internal Dialogue in Danger of Death Stories--Texas Style

Deborah Keller-Cohen & Natasha Julius, "...because I'll tell you what,

I've had a hellacious life!"


Rachel Nash, Piecing It Together: Nation as Mosaic

Nombuso Dlamini, Symbolic Practices and the Construction of Identity

in South Africa

Alexei Iurchak, The Cynical Reason of Late Socialism: Language,

Ideology, and Identity of the Last Soviet Generation

4:00 - 5:00 Judith Irvine, plenary speaker

5:00 - 5:15 Closing remarks


Please send your name and affiliation, mailing and e-mail addresses,

telephone number, and a check made payable to "Georgetown

University" to the address below.

Registration Fees: (before September 20) $20.00 for students, $35.00 for

non-students; (after September 20) $30.00 for students, $45.00 for non-

students; (Georgetown University students) no fee.

Registration fee for Livia Polanyi's workshop, Formal Methods in

Discourse Analysis: $40.00.


GLS 1996

Department of Linguistics

Georgetown University

Box 571051

Washington DC 20057-1051

Telephone: (202) 687-6166


World Wide Web:

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