Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 21:39:00 -0500 From: TERRY IRONS Subject: SALSA 98 Call for Papers CALL FOR PAPERS S A L S A The SYMPOSIUM ABOUT LANGUAGE AND SOCIETY - AUSTIN is pleased to announce its Sixth Annual Meeting to be held APRIL 24-26, 1998 at the University of Texas at Austin. We encourage the submission of abstracts on research that addresses the relationship of language to culture and society. Desired frameworks include but are not limited to: LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY, SOCIOLINGUISTICS, ETHNOGRAPHY OF COMMUNICATION SPEECH PLAY, VERBAL ART, AND POETICS POLITICAL ECONOMY OF LANGUAGE 1998 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS John Gumperz (University of California, Berkeley) Ofelia Zepeda (University of Arizona) Robert D. King (University of Texas, Austin) Papers delivered at the conference will be published as a special edition of the Texas Linguistic Forum. Speakers will be allowed 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. Papers will be selected based on the evaluation of an ANONYMOUS written abstract which may not exceed one page (using 10 pt. font or larger). Please submit: AN ABSTRACT, A CARD, AND A SHORT ABSTRACT, namely: FIRST, six (6) copies of the ABSTRACT, on 81/2 x 11 paper, to the address below AND SECOND: a 3x5 CARD with the following information: 1) The title of the paper, 2) Author's name, 3) Author's affiliation, 4) Address and phone number at which the author wishes to be notified AND THIRD: a SHORT 100 WORD ABSTRACT of the paper, on a 3.5" disk, for publication in the conference program. Discs can be either Macintosh or PC, but texts must be word-processed in A) text-only ASCII or B) Microsoft Word (Mac or PC). Please label your disk clearly. See the SALSA web page for additional guidelines: Submission date for abstracts is JANUARY 16, 1998. Late submissions will not be accepted, and we cannot accept papers which are to be published elsewhere. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent in mid-February, 1998. Registration fees will be approximately $16 for students and $32 for non-students. Papers must be received by early May, 1998 to be included in the published proceedings. Send all correspondence to: SALSA Department of Linguistics University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 email: SALSA[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]