Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 08:31:42 EST From: David Muschell Subject: Re: 'swan' in TX, ARK >>Has someone yet mentioned during this thread that the OED lists the verb as >>derived from a 'prob. north. Eng. dial. I s'wan 'I shall warrant', i.e. 'I'll >>be bound', and says it was later taken as (folk-etymologized to) a 'minicing >>substitute for 'swear'. First citation is 1832. There's another slang verb, >>also largely attested in 'exclamatory asseveration' (don't you just love >>'em?), of the form 'swanny', derived by the OED from 'I shall warrant ye'. >>Anybody ever heard that one? Prob'ly not, I swanny. (No relation to the >>"Swanny" River, I don't guess.) >> >>--Larry > > >Good job! And quick on the draw, pardner...Old Stevie Foster misused the >name of the Suwanee River in his "Old Folks at Home," calling it Swanee. >Of course, he never even saw the river, which originally was called the >"river of reeds" by the natives (Guasaca Esqui [source: Britannica]). The >same source says that the present name was probably a slave version of a >Spanish name: San Juanee (Little St. John). I'm sure our Waycross >correspondant can add more, I swanny. > > > David Yah!!! I still have my seventh grade English teacher's vituperous condemnation of misspellings ringing in my ears: correspondent, David, _not_ correspondant! Sorry, Mrs. Parrot, may you rest in peas and cues. David