Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 19:30:57 -0600 From: Katherine Catmull Subject: Re: meddle At 7:12 PM 6/12/95 -0400, Allan Metcalf wrote: >I don't have Partridge's _Shakespeare's Bawdy_, but it probably treats this. He does. And he says meddle with: To be intimate with (a woman): allusive in _Twelfth Night_ III iv 252 and 283. --'How, sir? do you make with my master?--_Coriolanus._ Ay, sir; 'tis an honester service than to meddle with thy mistress'. _Coriolanus_ IV v 43-45 Via. Old Fr. _medler_, from the Low Latin equivalent _miscere_, 'to mix':cf. compound and the euphemistic modern mingle, v.i., 'to coit' Of "medlar" he says that in Shakespeare it means "_either_ pudend or podex or the pudend-podex area," which makes me laugh for some reason. I like the scholarly italicized "either." Partridge has more to say on medlar, and I refer the questioner to it--it's interesting. Kate