Date: Thu, 14 Apr 1994 23:47:44 EDT From: David Bergdahl Subject: I guess weren't not in Kansas anymore, Todo Ohio University Electronic Communication Date: 14-Apr-1994 11:47pm EST To: Remote Addressee ( _MX%"ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA.CC.UGA.EDU ) From: David Bergdahl Dept: English BERGDAHL Tel No: (614) 593-2783 Subject: I guess weren't not in Kansas anymore, Todo The southern student at Minn who asked for a pen and got sent to pans reminded me of a funny interaction here in Athens OH Easter 1968. My wife and I had driven down from Syracuse NY to househunt, and we went to the OU Inn for dinner. We had left winter and the outside temp was in the 60's, so I ordered 2 Planter's Punches in the dining room. They came promptly but minus straws. So I got up and walked to the bar, and asked the bartender if I could have two straws as the waitress had forgotten ours. He said he couldn't, but he'd remind her. Puzzled, I returned to my seat, only to find her appear a few minutes later with two STROHs [a Detroit beer]. Suddenly I realized how Dorothy felt in The Wizard of Oz when she said, "Todo, I don't think we're in Kansas any more!" DAVID David Bergdahl Ohio University/Athens OH BERGDAHL[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OUVAXA.CaTS.OHIOU.EDU s Received: 14-Apr-1994 11:47pm