Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 07:54:23 -0500

From: Joan Livingston-Webber webber[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CWIS.UNOMAHA.EDU

Subject: Bring/Take

bring/take: sw PA in the early 50's, I had clear distinctions,

tho I do remember it being taught with lie/lay and sit/set as

a problem.

bring/take: eastern NDak in the mid 70's, my children used bring

where I would use take and borrow where I would use lend (e.g.

Borrow me $5.00).

Having hung around my kids, I now have heard myself say bring

when I wouldn't have as a kid and borrow. I also find myself

using waked as past and woke as pp (e.g. I waked up. He would've

woke up if you put water on his head.) I assume I've picked up

these forms from kids/residents someplace in the midwest or

midlands (as the residents call the central plains).


Joan Livingston-Webber webber[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

"What gets better is the precision with which we vex each other."

-Clifford Geertz